Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sailor Moon Crystal: So far

I've posted before about how much I like Sailor Moon and how I'm excited about the new anime, Sailor Moon Crystal: I own all the mangas and watched a good portion of it in the 90s when the first incarnation of the anime aired.

Now that we're a few episodes in, and the main plot is really rolling, I can say I LOVE Sailor Moon Crystal.

It's much more like the manga than the 90s series. No more filler episodes with comedic monsters-of-the-week. No more useless Sailor Moon crying and having the other scouts/Tuxedo Mask save her. Granted, that does happen, but she also saves people, and her worth as a person isn't questioned.

I'm not a huge fan of Sailor Moon's voice, but as it's the original Japanese actress, I can understand the casting. She's not terrible by any means, just a smidgen high-pitched for my tastes.

I'm really enjoying the more serious tone. The romance feels more natural, and the crises Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts are going through actually make me feel something other than annoyed. It's a win.

There are plenty of people who will fight tooth and nail with me, due to nostalgia or a sense of 'Only real fans like the old version'. These people are jerks. You can like any version of Sailor Moon and be a 'real' fan, without giving a crap about the other versions. There's more than manga and the two animes: Movies, live action stage shows, live action TV shows, and several long-running musicals. Long live Sailor Moon!

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