Friday, March 24, 2017


My friends know that I'm not a fan of romantic comedies, romantic dramas, or anything were romance takes center stage.

So why do I find myself watching clips from Company?

No, that's not right. Company is incidental. I'm watching clips of Raul Esparza.

Once again, I'm late to the pop culture party. The guy I know as DA Barba from Law and Order SVU is a long established Broadway and TV star, with a big-deal role on Hannibal (another program on my ever-growing eventual watch list).

This dude MUST be a bigger deal than I realized. He sang with Lin-Manuel after all! And a song traditionally sung by women! From one of the two iterations of Romeo and Juliet I actually like!

 The other is Warm Bodies, btw.

And...if he isn't a huge mega-star...and I'm not twenty years late on my pop-culture as usual...then I'm just enjoying an actor in a genera I usually despise.

Why am I willing to stretch my interests for actors I like? It's not without limits. I love Chris Evans, but I'm not seeing that sad little girl movie he's got coming out. Same for Sam Rockwell and the Poltergeist reboot. As much as I love crappy horror, that one is too close to my heart (and the top of my favorites list).

Maybe it's the magic of youtube. I can watch bite-sized chunks of familiar media, without investing the 2+ hours in a show I'm medium on. I love Sondheim, but it isn't as fun as Sweeny Todd, or as wild as Into the Woods. I like Company as well as I can like something about relationships.

I'm just past this stage when it comes to romance stuff.

Maybe its because, regardless of my deeply unromantic soul, if the story is good enough I can still enjoy things. I'm not inflexible. While that doesn't mean I'm going to run out and rent Love Story, it's good to bear in mind.

Ecch, feelings blog. Blech, I enjoy reposting memes and anime reviews more than this. At least I can end this by watching Esparza sing Willkommen from Cabaret, one of the least romantic things I know of.  Enjoy!

Though this will make it harder to see him as a credible DA.

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