Saturday, April 8, 2017

Florida, the Trippening Part Two: FUCK YOU

Here's my comment on the Delta Airlines FB page, without edit.

You've stolen a day of my vacation (PTO, which I can't get back), money from the person who was going to drive us, time from the already short visit between myself and my loved ones, and all the execs can say is "recovery has not been ideal and we apologize for that"? Try recovery has been nonexistant, and your loyal customers are the ones paying. I wasn't notified of this any earlier than a couple hours before my flight (for which I got up at 3:30am), and only then because my wonderful husband McKinley checked the times. At least we're not trapped at the airport. Just in our home since we gave our car keys to a friend for the week.

If  cant tell, Delta pushed our flight back by a day due to the massive shitstorm in their Atlanta hub. Bahamute found out about this at 3am Saturday, when we had to get up for our 6am flight. It's now set for Sunday 4/9 at noon. Assuming that isn't cancelled too.

I used PTO today, and I'm not even going to be able to leave the goddamn house. Everyone always said Delta was shit, but my past trips have been great. Guess I was wrong.
Ignore the animations, its the only version I could find.

Now, to wait until a decent hour so we can disappoint Bahamute's father with the news.

Fuck you, Delta.

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