Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Seven Binging Sins

I'm watching another anime. It's about the seven deadly sins.

No, not that one. Not that one either. Wow, that's a fertile well.
(image from here)

It's Netflix's Seven Deadly Sins!

Yes, I know that's not seven. And those aren't all sins. It's complicated.

The Devil is a Part Timer had a similar sense of playfulness, but was even lighter in tone than this. It's nice to watch a fun series about holy wars, perverts, and people getting the crap kicked out of them that can get dark too.

It's not as non-consensual as it looks!

There are  28 episodes so far, and I'm only on episode 12, so I'm trying just as hard to avoid spoilers for you as for me. But the basic idea is that the girl getting groped is a princess trying to find an order of banished Knights known as the Seven Deadly Sins, who are in hiding for murder, treason, etc. The princess is trying to save her family/kingdom from the Holy Knights who are really screwing things up by being general assholes. Pretty standard for anime, or even a basic hero's quest.

There are less loincloths, however.

The draw comes from the characters and the visuals; the animation is bright and cheerful, and the characters are engaging and fun. I've already found a brown-haired firecracker I'd love to cosplay.
Literally a giant badass.

 The ending credits give you a pretty good feel for the 'bounce' the show has (though there are a few minor spoilers for things established in the first three episodes. Be wary!)

It has dark spots too, but even the one episode which was mostly angsty had a lot of  action, and felt organic. It's like Fullmetal Alchemist by way of Dragon Ball Z; great action sequences and lots of fun, but not afraid to get dark if needed.

On a scale from Goku driving cars to the end of Nina, I put this series tone at a firm Dragon Ball Z Abridged Frieza Saga when Killin dies.
Twenty year old spoilers!

I'm super excited to watch more later. This is what binge watching was invented for!

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